Please select the area relating to your enquiry
If you need to report an emergency, please call 000
If you have seen, heard or know something, no matter how small, report it to the National Security Hotline
Phone: 1800 123 400
SMS: 0498 562 549
Information for South Australian public sector agencies is available on the Security Incident Reporting page
Information on reporting a cyber security incident is available on the Report a cyber security incident page
South Australian Public Sector related clearance enquiries should be directed to:
For general information relating to security clearances, please see the AGSVA website.
For information or enquiries relating to South Australian Cyber Security, email or phone 1300 244 168.
If you are deaf, or have a hearing or speech impairment, please contact us through:
- National Relay Service (Speak and Listen) call 1300 555 727
- National Relay Service (TTY users) call 133 677
- Internet Relay users can connect to the National Relay Service.
If English is not your preferred language, please contact the Interpreting and Translating Centre on 1800280203 and ask to speak with the Department of the Premier and Cabinet.
Please tell us if you would prefer to speak to an Aboriginal person.
For information or enquiries relating to the SAPSF, email
We understand that mistakes happen despite our best efforts - make a complaint or provide feedback.