Document: INFOSEC2 Guidance (PDF, 944.2 KB)

Date of first approval: 20 November 2019

Date of review: 30 November 2022

Next review date: December 2024


This policy ensures all South Australian Government agencies provide timely, reliable and appropriate access to official information to assist in facilitating efficient and effective delivery of government services. Availability of accurate information aides in the development of new products and services, enhances consumer and business outcomes and assists with decision-making and policy development.

Core Requirement

Ensure official information is available to those who need it

Supporting Requirements

To ensure official information is available to those who need it, agencies must:

  1. ensure information is accessed only by personnel with a legitimate need-to-know
  2. ensure personnel requiring ongoing access to sensitive information have undertaken the appropriate pre-employment screening checks
  3. ensure personnel requiring ongoing access to security classified information have the appropriate security clearance[1] and meet any additional suitability requirements [2]
  4. put in place an agreement or arrangement[3] to enable sensitive or security classified information to be shared with personnel or organisations outside of the South Australian Government
  5. manage access to information systems by implementing unique user identification, authentication and authorisation practices for each approval of system access
  6. ensure temporary access to security classified information is strictly controlled according to the requirements of this policy

[1] Some office holders are not required to hold a security clearance. See Security clearance exemptions for the full list.

[2]  Some caveats or codeword information may impose additional requirements on the individual in addition to the security clearance. Please refer to PSPF policy Access to information for more detail.

[3] Such as a contract or deed which outlines how the information is to be used and what protections must be applied.